Minecraft Review


Minecraft is a sandbox-themed game, where you can do whatever you want.
You can go into survival mode, build a house and make a mine, or you can kill monsters and make farms.
You can also go in creative mode and have an infinite amount of everything. You can build huge things, maybe even machines or pixelart.
There is also a multiplayer option in Minecraft, so you can play with friends or on a public server.
The graphics in Minecraft are simple, but good. The gameplay is amazing, simple but creative.
The soundtracks aren’t very good, but if you don’t like them, you can simply change the music file in the resource pack to whatever you want.
It runs smoothly on most computers, and when it doesn’t, you can adjust settings to lower the graphic quality, but higher the speed.
The possibilities in this game are endless, and there’s so much to do that you will never get bored.
However, if you do get bored, you can just wait, because the game updates constantly and new stuff gets added nearly every week.
It’s a pretty cheap game. You can buy an account for 20$

Rating: 3.5/5
