Call of Duty : Black Ops 2 Review

Black Ops 2 is a FPS (first person shooter) made by Treyarch. In my opinion it’s one of the best FPS games ever! In most of the Call of Duty games you have a campaign mode, a multiplayer mode and some sort of survival mode.

In Black Ops 2 and 1 the survival mode is called Zombies. It’s an awesome mode where you have to survive multiple waves of zombies. You start out at wave 1, you will find some zombies but there easy to kill. After you have killed the last zombie, the round ends, and a new round starts. The rounds will get harder and eventually you will die. And if you die it’s over you will have to start again.

The campaign is way too easy, and if you higher the difficulty it’s way too hard. It’s a nice feature that you can make your own story by making your own decisions. But overall I think that it’s not worth your time, and you should definitely spend more time playing multiplayer than playing the campaign (in my opinion).
In multiplayer you are able to play against other players that are playing Black Ops 2 multiplayer at the same time. When you get kills or do some objective stuff, you will get xp (experience). The more xp you get the higher level you will be. And when you get to higher levels, you will unlock better things. You will be able to play with better guns and other equipment.

I think this is an very good game, all these modes combined make it awesome.

Rating: 4,5/5


3 thoughts on “Call of Duty : Black Ops 2 Review

  1. Pingback: Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Nuketown Zombies Smackdown | The Dark Chalice

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