
Watch_Dogs is a Third-Person-Shooter sandbox-based game. The playstyle is kind of like GTA. The story is kind of like Assassin’s Creed. It’s a fun game, but pretty overhyped. You can hack everything and also get information which is often pretty hilarious. ‘Is a Ctulhu enthusiast’ ‘Often buys online hentai’ ‘Is HIV-Positive. Occupation : Blood donor’ There’s also the multiplayer option, but not like the normal multiplayer. You play in single-player, but other people can modify your world. The only thing that’s really bad about Watch_Dogs are the graphics. They’re not bad, but a whole lot worse than Ubisoft promised. Overall it’s not the best game ever, but it’s fun. To be honest it’s not worth the price right now. (€60)

Rating: 3/5

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